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Hawaii Wildfires 2023: Partners' Toolkit

FEMA requests your help delivering important information about recovery to the survivors of the Hawaii wildfires.

Below you will find resources that you can use to provide information to your communities and encourage survivors to:

  • Take steps to get federal assistance
  • Use credible sources of information
  • Find mental health support
  • Locate loved ones

Visit these FEMA webpages to find trusted resources to support your community's recovery.

Local Resources

Sample Text to Communicate with Survivors

FEMA and its federal partners are on the ground on Maui to assist survivors as they begin their long-term recovery plan. If you have been impacted by the Hawaii wildfires, there are resources available to help jumpstart your recovery.

Scroll through this collection of sample text and graphics to use in emails, social media, flyers and other materials to communicate with survivors in Hawaii. Or visit Disaster Support Social Graphics to view all resources.

4 Möglichkeiten, Katastrophenhilfe zu beantragen

Grafiken verfügbar

  • Formate: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Story, and Instagram/Facebook Feed
  • Sprachen: English, Spanish, Chamorro, Chuukese, Creole, llocano, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Ōlelo Hawaiʻi (Hawaiian), Simplified Chinese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese

Social Media Mustertext

Haben Sie aufgrund des Hurrikans ___ Verluste oder Schäden erlitten? Wenn Sie aus einem der ausgewiesenen Landkreise stammen, könnten Sie für unsere Hilfe in Frage kommen. Beantragen Sie Hilfe über:

Persönlich: Besuchen Sie ein Disaster Recovery Center in Ihrer Nähe - Mehr erfahren: