Environmental Resources
Mitigation Planning
Contact Us
FEMA's Region 3 office, located in Philadelphia, PA, partners with federal emergency management for seven Tribal Nations and the following states.
Visit the state/territory's page for localized content, such as disaster recovery centers, flood maps, fact sheets, jobs and other resources.
Region 3 Administrator
Region 3 Deputy Administrator
Environmental & Historic Preservation Resources
FEMA funded projects must undergo Environmental and Historic Preservation (EHP) review to ensure we protect and preserve our natural and historic resources.
These tools help explain the federal environmental and historic resource laws and Executive Orders. They provide guidance specific to Region 3 states for the EHP compliance portion of the grant application process.
EHP Checklist
Use the EHP Checklist to learn what's required to complete an EHP review, plus common reasons for additional requests for information.
EHP Photo Guide
Learn how to take photos that help EHP understand your project and reduce additional requests for information.
Environmental Assessments
View Region 3 documents, including draft and final environmental assessments and public notices.
Video Tutorials
View these short, easy-to-understand 15-minute videos to learn the basics about the EHP review.
Have EHP Questions?
Contact Federal, State & Tribal Governments
Find contact information for federal and state partners and tribal nations that work alongside Region 3 EHP as applicant liaisons and consulting agencies during environmental and historic preservation law reviews.
NOTE: This list was updated as of Dec. 2022 and should not be considered a complete list.
Contact EHP
Email Tessa Nolan, Regional Environmental Officer
Grants Recipients Resources
Grants are available to fund disaster- and emergency-related projects. These funds can support critical recovery initiatives, innovative research and other efforts to help people before, during and after disasters.
View success stories sharing best practices, innovative ideas, and lessons learned from Region 3 grant partners.
Region 3 Grant Recipient Calls
Join our upcoming quarterly call for information sharing between FEMA and grant recipient(s) on organizational dynamics, grants management, regulations and more.
View notes from our past Grant Recipient Call on Sept. 21, 2023.
Hazard Mitigation Resources
The resources below can help your state or community develop a hazard mitigation plan, request technical assistance, find flood information, and use mapping tools to reduce risk.
Visit the Region 3 Mitigation GIS and Data Hub for maps and data that support hazard mitigation.
Use the search filters below to find resources on:
- State and local hazard mitigation planning
- Planning for high hazard potential dams
- GIS tools for reducing flood risk
- Training and technical assistance opportunities
National-Level Resources
Request Training
Review the Hazard Mitigation Course Catalog for information on all of the external training courses currently available through FEMA R3.
Fill out this contact form to request training or technical assistance for your community.
Mapping Rising Flood Risk
This series of videos walks through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) instructions published by FEMA Region 3 to map the areas where flood risk is likely to rise first with climate change. These videos are meant to be used as a planning tool, not a regulatory requirement.
For communities with FEMA Flood Risk Products, this instruction sheet describes how to use the Depth and Analysis Grids to identify critical facilities (such as schools and fire stations) with the highest chance of severe flooding. You can use the results to identify cost-effective structure and infrastructure projects that are more likely to receive grant funding.
Did you miss the opportunity to adopt your local Hazard Mitigation Plan within the one-year time-frame post-Approvable Pending Adoption status? Use this form to validate that information in the plan is current with respect to both the risk assessment and mitigation strategy. Don’t delay, adopt today!
This Region 3 tip sheet outlines what your local or tribal plan must include to meet the HHPD planning requirements. It also lists what to include when preparing your plan’s Scope of Work. To access FEMA funding for dam rehabilitation, your hazard mitigation plan must address the risks posed by HHPDs.
This Region 3 tip sheet walks through what your state’s plan must include to meet the HHPD planning requirements. It also lists what to include when preparing your plan’s Scope of Work. To access FEMA funding for dam rehabilitation, your state’s hazard mitigation plan must address the risks posed by HHPDs.
Region 3 developed this worksheet to support sustained and effective engagement during local hazard mitigation plan updates. It gives tips on how to create an engagement strategy to guide participation . A strong engagement strategy involves local officials and other stakeholders throughout the planning process.
This one-page, easy-to-share table summarizes key FEMA resources for hazard mitigation planning. Resources address each step of the planning process and include training opportunities, worksheets, checklists, and more.
Connect with Region 3
Coffee Break Webinars
Attend a Region 3 “Coffee Break," a one-hour webinar showcasing mitigation best practices and highlighting the work to reduce risk across the region. Reserve a spot.
Resilience Report Newsletter
Sign up to receive project highlights, best practices and upcoming events focused on mitigation, risk reduction, and increasing resilience.
Regional Business Emergency Operations Center
Region 3's Business Emergency Operations Center helps connect FEMA and the private sector throughout pre-disaster preparedness, disaster response and post-disaster recovery. Learn more and join.
Region 3 Case Studies
View case studies sharing successes and lessons learned from Region 3 states.
Recovery Forward Newsletter
Sign up to the Recovery Forward Newsletter.
Contact Us
Exercise Officer
News Desk
Private Sector
Tribal Affairs
Hazard Mitigation Planning
Flood Insurance