FEMA’s Role in Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2023
In 2023, the United States is hosting Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and celebrating the 30th anniversary of the first U.S.-led APEC meetings. APEC is a multilateral institution with the goal of facilitating economic growth, cooperation, trade, and investment in the Asia-Pacific Region.
FEMA represents the United States in the APEC Emergency Preparedness Working Group (EPWG).
Visit FEMA’s International Affairs Division page for more Information about FEMA’s bilateral and multilateral partnerships.
FEMA’s Role in the Emergency Preparedness Working Group
APEC’s Emergency Preparedness Working Group provides a platform to collaborate with Asia-Pacific economies to further regional disaster preparedness for the benefit of the American people and our partners.
19th Emergency Preparedness Working Group Annual Meeting and 16th Senior Disaster Management Officials’ Forum Ministerial
August 1-3, in Seattle, Washington. For more information, please email FEMA-APEC2023@fema.dhs.gov.
Advancing the FEMA Strategic Plan within APEC
As an Indo-Pacific economy, the United States contributes to the advancement of equity in emergency management, climate resilience, and workforce readiness in the region.
APEC’s Disaster Risk Reduction Framework and Action Plan
In 2023, FEMA will strengthen collaboration with Asia-Pacific partners to implement the APEC Disaster Risk Reduction Framework and Action Plan, which seek to increase APEC’s resilience to complex shocks and emergencies.