1. Dwelling Form. The policy form used to insure a building designed for use as a residence for no more than 4 families or a single-family unit in a residential building under a condominium form of ownership. This form is also used to insure residential contents in any building. The owner of a residential building with 5 or more units can use this form to insure contents only in his or her own residential unit.
2. General Property Form. The policy form used to insure a non-residential building or a 5-or-more-unit residential building not eligible for the Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP). This form is also used to insure non-residential contents in any building or a building owner's residential contents located in multiple units within a building with 5 or more units.
3. Residential Condominium Building Association Policy (RCBAP). The policy form used to insure a building, owned and administered as a condominium, containing 1 or more units and in which at least 75% of the floor area is residential. The building must be located in a Regular Program community.
Standard Flood Insurance Policy (SFIP)
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