Reviewer Name: Karyn Harrison Applicant: Roman Catholic Church/Archdiocese ofNO. ^ Disaster/Emergency/Program/Project Title: 1603/Katrina/PA/Our Lady ofthe Lake Pre K"Froggy" Building Parish: St. Tammany Parish ABBREVIATED RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION See 44 Code of Federal Regulation Part 10. Project Name/Number: OurLadyofthe Lake PreK"Froggy" Building, PW #9436, FIPS #000-UV6IX-00 Proiect Location: 316 Lafitte Street, Mandeville, Louisiana, 70448, St. Tammany Parish, Latitude: 30.35655, Longitude: 90.06901 Proiect Description: AsaresultofHurricane Katrina(DR-1603-LA) declaredAugust29,2005,Our Lady of the Lake's Pre K "Froggy" Building suffered severe wind and 3-0" flood damages. The buildingwasconstructedin 1981 andwasinuseatthetimeofthedisasterasa Pre-Kindergarten classroom. Hurricaneforcewindsdestroyed100SFofasphaltshinglesandpuncturedan18"x18" area of roof covering an outside play area. Flood waters destroyed 853 SF of sheet rock, 213 LF of 4" rubber base, two base cabinets (measuring 7'7"x 2'11" and 10'0' x 2'11"), five (3' x 7') wood doors andframes, 12'x18'carpetrug,tenelectricalreceptacles,andoneairconditioner(AC)condenser unit. There were no or minimal damages to the windows, 12" x 12" vinyl composite tiles (VCT), ceilings, light fixtures, plumbing fixtures, toilet accessories, tile floors and tile wainscot. The attached hazard mitigation proposal seeks to mitigate damage to the AC condenser unit by future flood events by raising the unit 4" above the ground level. Documentation Requirements E3 (Short version) All consultation and agreements implemented to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act,EndangeredSpeciesAct,andExecutiveOrders 11988, 11990and12898arecompletedandnoother lawsapply. (Review Concluded) CU (Long version) All applicable laws and executive orders were reviewed. Additional information for compliance is attached to this REC and/or included in project files, as applicable. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Determination i O Statutorily excluded from NEPA review. (Review Concluded) | O Programmatic Categorical Exclusion -(Review Concluded) I rj Categorical Exclusion -Category I rj No Extraordinary Circumstances exist. | Are project conditions required? • Yes (see section V) • No (Review Concluded) t l~l Extraordinary Circumstances exist (See Section IV). I fj Extraordinary Circumstances mitigated. (See Section IV comments) j Areproject conditions required? • Yes(seesection V)• No (Review Concluded) I Q Environmental Assessment | C] SupplementalEnvironmentalAssessment(ReferenceEAorPEAincomments) \ ^ Environmental Impact Statement | Comments: The scope of work for this project meets the criteria for an Alternative Arrangement 'Permanent Schools' type of project. Abbreviated Record of Environmental Consideration 1 ReviewerName: Karyn Harrison Applicant: Roman Catholic Church/Archdiocese ofNO. \ Disaster/Emergency/Program/Project Title: 1603/Katrina/PA/Our Lady ofthe Lake Pre K"Froggy" Building Parish: St. Tammany Parish HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ^ No historic properties that are listed or45/50 years orolder in project area. (Review Concluded) O Building orstructure listed or45/50 years orolder in project area and activity not exempt from review. • Determination ofNo Historic Properties Affected (FEMA fmding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? • Yes (see section V) • No (ReviewConcluded) • Determination ofHistoric Properties Affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) O Property a National Historic Landmark and National Park Service was provided early notification during the consultation process. If not, explain in comments • No Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file). Are project conditions required? • Yes (see section V) • No (Review Concluded) • Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence onfile) O ResolutionofAdverseEffectcompleted.(MOAonfile) Are project conditions required fj Yes (seesection V) • No (Review Concluded) Comments: Facilityisnot45 yearsorolder,CIRCA1981. Therefore,thisprojectdoesnothavethepotentialto haveeffectsonhistoric properties. Correspondence/Consultation/References: ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ^ Project affects only previously disturbed ground. (Review Concluded) [U Project affects undisturbed ground. rj Project area has nopotential for presence ofarcheological resources • Determination ofnohistoric properties affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence or consultation on file). (Review Concluded) I IProject area has potential for presence ofarcheological resources l~l Determination ofnohistoric properties affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required Q Yes (see section V) fj No (ReviewConcluded) I | Determination ofhistoric properties affected I INReligible resources notpresent (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence onfile). Are project conditions required [I]Yes (see section V) fj No (Review Concluded) r~l NR eligible resources present inproject area. (FEMA finding/ SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) O No Adverse Effect Determination. (FEMA finding/ SHPO/THPO concurrence onfile) Are project conditions required? O Yes(seesection V) • No (ReviewConcluded) O Adverse Effect Determination. (FEMA finding/ SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) I I Resolution ofAdverse Effect completed. (MOA onfile) Areproject conditions required? fj Yes(seesection V) fj] No (Review Concluded) Comments: None Correspondence/Consultation/References: THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES ^ No listed species and/or designated critical habitat present inareas affected directly orindirectly bythe Federal action. (Review Concluded) |~1 Listed species and/or designated critical habitat present inthe areas affected directly orindirectly bythe Federal action. CD No effect to species or designated critical habitat. (See comments for justification) Are project conditions required? fj Yes (seesection V) Q No (Review Concluded) rjMayaffect,butnot likelytoadverselyaffectspeciesordesignatedcriticalhabitat (FEMA determination/USFWS/NMFS concurrence on file) (Review Concluded) Abbreviated Record of Environmental Consideration 2 Reviewer Name: Karyn Harrison Applicant: Roman Catholic Church/Archdiocese ofNO. Disaster/Emergency/Program/Project Title: 1603/Katrina/PA/Our Lady oftheLake Pre K"Froggy" Building Parish: St. Tammany Parish Are project conditions required? • Yes (see section V) • No(Review Concluded) C]Likelytoadversely affect species ordesignated critical habitat O Formal consultation concluded. (Biological Assessment and Biological Opinion on file) Are project conditions required? • YES (see section V) • NO(ReviewConcluded) Comments: Projectis locatedinanurbanorpreviouslydeveloped area. Neitherlistedspeciesortheirhabitatoccurinornearthissite, thus FEMA finds there will be no effect to threatened or endangered species. Correspondence/Consultation/References: USFWSemergency consultationprovisionsdeterminedinletterdatedSeptember15,2005. E.0.11988 -FLOODPLAINS O No Effect on Floodplains/Flood levels and project outside Floodplain -(Review Concluded) E3 Located inFloodplain orEffects onFloodplains/Flood levels ^ No adverse effect on floodplain and not adversely affected by the floodplain. (Review Concluded). Are project conditions required? [^ Yes (see section V) • No (Review Concluded) O Beneficial Effect on Floodplain Occupancy/Values (Review Concluded). [HPossibleadverseeffectsassociatedwith investment infloodplain, occupancyormodificationoffloodplain environment I I8 StepProcessComplete-documentationonfile Are project conditions required? • YES (see section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: The site is located in Zone "A 10" Zone, area of 100-yr flooding, base flood elevations and flood hazard factors. Correspondence/Consultation/References: FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 220200002 C, revised 04/04/1983. E.0.11990 -WETLANDS ^ No Effects onWetland(s) and project located outside Wetland(s) -(Review Concluded) O LocatedinWetlandoreffectsWetland(s) CH Beneficial Effecton Wetland -(Review Concluded) [I]Possible adverse effect associated with constructing inor near wetland l~lReview completed aspartof floodplain review l~l 8Step Process Complete -documentation onfile Are project conditions required? • YES (seesection V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: No wetlands were observed during site visit or determined to be present by checking the USFWS National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps. Correspondence/Consultation/References: USFWS NWI map accessed on-line ( 07/24/2006. E.0.12898 -Environmental Justice For Low Income and Minority Populations ^ No Low income orminority population in, near oraffected bythe project -(Review Concluded) l~l Low income orminority population inor near project area n Nodisproportionately high and adverse impactonlow income orminority population-(Review Concluded) O Disproportionately high or adverse effects on low income or minority population Are project conditions required? Q YES (seesection V) Q NO (Review Concluded) Abbreviated Record of Environmental Consideration Reviewer Name: Karyn Harrison Applicant: Roman Catholic Church/Archdiocese ofN.O. v Disaster/Emergency/Program/Project Title: 1603/Katrina/PA/Our Lady ofthe Lake Pre K"Froggy" Building Parish: St. Tammany Parish Comments: Thisprojectwillrepairorreplace facilitiestopre-disastercondition andthus isnotlikelytohave disproportionatelyhighor adverse effects on low-income or minority populations. Correspondence/Consultation/References: U.S. Census bureau 2000dataat referenced 07/24/2006. OTHER RELEVANT LAWS AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS CD No impacts to other substantive laws/Executive Orders identified. Review concluded. ^ Other applicable substantive laws/Executive Orders. (Identify law/E.O. and conditions ifany below). Comments: Coastal Zone Management Act: ThisprojectislocatedwithintheLouisianaCoastalManagementZone. LouisianaDepartmentofNaturalResources(LA DNR)hasdeterminedthatreceiptof federalassistanceisconsistentwiththeLouisianaResourceProgram. Projectswithin theCoastalZonemaystillrequireacoastalusepermitorotherauthorizationfromDNR. Projectsmaybecoordinatedby contacting LA DNR at 1-800-276-4019. Clean Air Act: EnsurethatifdamagedACunitcontainsrefrigerantthatisanozonedepletingsubstancesubjectto CleanAirAct requirements, thatthisrefrigerant is removed andrecovered byCertified Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)technician per40CFR Part 82, and that documentation of appropriate disposal is obtained. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act: Unusableequipment,debrisandmaterialshallbedisposedofinanapprovedmannerandlocation. Intheeventsignificant items (orevidence thereof) arediscovered during implementation oftheproject applicant shallhandle, manage, anddispose ofpetroleum products,hazardousmaterialsand/ortoxicwasteinaccordanceto therequirementsandtothesatisfaction of the governing local, state and federal agencies. Correspondence/Consultation/Reference: V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT CONDITIONS Project Conditions: In addition, the following conditions apply as a condition of FEMA funding reimbursement: • This project is located within the Louisiana Coastal Management Zone. Louisiana Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has determined that receipt of federal assistance is consistent with the Louisiana Resource Program. Projects within the Coastal Zone may still require a coastal use permit or other authorization from DNR. Projects may be coordinated by contacting LA DNR at 1-800-2764019. • Ensure that if damaged AC unit contains refrigerant that is an ozone depleting substance subject to Clean Air Act requirements, that this refrigerant is removed and recovered by Certified Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) technician per 40 CFR Part 82, and that documentation of appropriate disposal is obtained. • St. Tammany Parish enrolled in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) as of 04/23/1971. Facility is located within an "A 10" Zone, area of 100-yr flooding, base flood elevations and flood hazard factors as determined per Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel number 220200002 C, dated 04/04/1983. Project is repair of building, equipment and components, as per 44 CFR 9.11, mitigation or minimization standards must be applied. Where possible, building contents, materials Abbreviated Record of Environmental Consideration Reviewer Name: Karyn Harrison Applicant: Roman Catholic Church/Archdiocese ofN.O. Disaster/Emergency/Program/Project Title: 1603/Katrina/PA/Our Lady ofthe Lake Pre K"Froggy" Building Parish: St. Tammany Parish and equipment (mechanical or electrical) must be elevated to or above Advisory Base Flood Elevations. Mitigation proposals are attached. • Unusable equipment, debris and material shall be disposed of in an approved manner and location. In the event significant items (or evidence thereof) are discovered during implementation of the project applicant shall handle, manage, and dispose of petroleum products, hazardous materials and/or toxic waste in accordance to the requirements and to the satisfaction of the governing local, state and federal agencies. No extraordinary circumstances as described in 44 CFR 10.8(d)(3) were identified during project review. REVIEWER AND APPROVALS FEMA Environmental Reviewer. Name: Karyn Harrison Signature Aa/ijjfyN V^MAAfW . Date if^oc FEMA Regional Environmental Officer or delegated approving official. Name:^, /^^*J Signature fs//<-f~/ » ._ Date "?/&• ^%U^> g~ Abbreviated Record of Environmental Consideration