Record of Environmental Consideration REVISED FOR FEMA ENVIRONMENTAL -LOUISIANA -April 2007 See 44 Code of Federal Regulation Part 10 Project Name/Number: Four Lift Stations/ PW 6690 Version 1 (Amended)/ FIPS 087-99087-00 Applicant Name; St. Bernard Parish Project Location: Site1:DeLaRondeDrive (29.9581IN,89.97028W), Site2:IntersectionofJudy Drive and East Genie Street (29.94364N, 89.92625W), Site 3: 3214 Coulon Drive (29.93512N, 89.92820W), Site 4: Intersection of Blomquist Drive and Parkmount (29.94003N, 89.92021 W); Chalmette, St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana Project Description: This amended version is for a Hazard Mitigation Proposal to elevate the control paneland other electric componentsat the De La RondeDrivesite. Thesecomponentswill be elevatedon a platform to 14 feet plus three feet of freeboard. The control panel, main disconnect, and other electrical components will mounted on a support rack above the raised platform. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Determination I I Statutorily excluded from NEPA review (Review Concluded) • ProgrammaticCategoricalExclusion-Category (ReferencePCEincomments) (Review Concluded) l~l Categorical Exclusion -Category |~l NoExtraordinary Circumstances exiSt. Are project conditions required? Q Yes (see section V) • No(Review Concluded) l~l Extraordinary Circumstances exist (see Section IV). CU Extraordinary Circumstances mitigated, (see Section IV comments) Are project conditions required? Q Yes (see section V) \Z\ No (ReviewConcluded) l~l Environmental Assessment I"! SupplementalEnvironmentalAssessment(ReferenceEAorPEAincomments) E3 Environmental Impact Statement l~l Scope of work requires public involvement plan Comments: Thisprojectmeetsthedefinitionofcriticalinfrastructure (utilitiesandwastewatertreatmentplants)underthe Alternative Arrangements forNEPA compliance. dl Project is Non-Compliant (see attached documentation justifying selection). Reviewer and Approvals FEMA Environmental Reviewer: Name: Nicole Poret, Environmental Specialist Signature / i(/.i* L j%^d Date V/^S k7 FEMA Environmental Liaison Officer or Delegated Approving Official: Name: Bridget Zachary, Delegated Approving_Qfficial, FEMA LA TRO Signature <^\^^i^^^^^) J Date ^-25^0^ I. Compliance RevlewTorEnvironmental Laws (other than NEPA) A. National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) CR1 Nottype ofactivity with potential toaffect historic structures orarchaeological resources (Review Concluded) Record of Environmental Consideration (Version April 2007) Reviewer Name: Nicole Poret Project Name/Env Database No: Four Lift Stations/ PW 6690 Version 1 FEMA-1603/1607-DR-LA Parish: St. Bernard Parish • Activity meets Programmatic Agreement, December 3, 2004. Appendix A: Allowance No. Are project conditions required? • Yes (see Section V) • No • Programmatic Agreement not applicable for historic structures orarcheological sites, must conduct standard Section 106 Review (see below). CH Other Programmatic Agreement dated insert date ofPA applies HISTORIC BUDLDINGS AND STRUCTURES 03No historic properties that are listed or45/50 years orolder in project area. (Review Concluded) Q Building orstructure listed or45/50 years orolder in project area and activity not exempt from review. • Determination ofNo Historic Properties Affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? O Yes (see Section V) O No (Review Concluded) • Determination ofHistoric Properties Affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) O Property a National Historic Landmark and National Park Service was provided early notification during the consultation process. If not, explain in comments • No Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) Areproject conditions required? O Yes (see Section V) • No (Review Concluded) • Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) [H Resolution ofAdverse Effect completed (MOA onfile) Are project conditions required • Yes (see Section V) • No(Review Concluded) ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES O Project scope ofwork has nopotential toaffect archeological resources (Review Concluded) [X] Project affects only previously disturbed ground. (Review Concluded) f~~l Project affects undisturbed ground orgrounds associated with an historic structure l~l Project area has nopotential for presence ofarcheological resources Q Determination ofno historic properties affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) (Review Concluded) l~lProject area has potential for presence ofarcheological resources O Determination ofnohistoric properties affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence onfile) Are project conditions required O Yes (see Section V) O No (ReviewConcluded) [~| Determination ofhistoric properties affected • NR eligible resources not present (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required O Yes (see Section V) O No(Review Concluded) f~l NReligible resources present inproject area (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence onfile) I INo Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA finding/ SHPO/THPO concurrence onfile) Are project conditions required? Q Yes (see Section V) • No(Review Concluded) l"~l Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) [~1 ResolutionofAdverseEffectcompleted(MOAonfile) Are project conditions required? \Z1 Yes (see Section V) Q No (Review Concluded) Comments: The structures do not meet the 50-year-criterion, nor do they possess the level of exceptional importance requiredbycriteriaconsiderationoftheNationalRegisterGuidelinesto beconsideredeligiblefortheNationalRegisterof Historic Places. Scope of work indicates ground disturbing activities associated with demolishing the structures and excavatingforanewslabuponwhichtoelevatenewequipment. UponconsultationofdataprovidedbytheStateHistoric Preservation Office (SHPO), there is one known archaeological sites within 0.5 miles of one of the project areas. However allworkshouldoccuronpreviouslydisturbedsoils. Thereforetheundertakingshouldnotaffecthistoricproperties. Demolition must follow the Lower-Impact Demolition Stipulations which are attached. These stipulations should be explicit in the demolition contract. If during the course of work, archaeological artifacts (prehistoric or historic) or human remains are discovered, the applicant shall stop work in the vicinity of the discovery and take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize harm to the finds. The applicant shall inform their Public Assistance (PA) contacts at FEMA, who will in turn contact FEMA Historic Preservation (HP) staff. The applicant will not proceed with work until FEMA HP completes consultation with the SHPO. In addition, if unmarked graves are present, compliance with the Louisiana Unmarked Human BurialSitesPreservationAct(R.S. 8:671et seq.)isrequired.Theapplicantshallnotifythe lawenforcementagencyofthe jurisdictionwheretheremainsare locatedwithintwenty-fourhoursofthediscovery.The applicantshallalsonotifyFEMA andtheLouisianaDivisionofArchaeologyat225-342-8170withinseventy-twohoursofthediscovery. Ifthisscopeof work and/or the footprint/location of the new building changes, this project will need to be resubmitted for further Section Record of Environmental Consideration (Version April 2007) Reviewer Name: Nicole Poret ProjectName/Env Database No: FourLiftStations/ PW6690Version 1 FEMA-1603/1607-DR-LA Parish: St. Bernard Parish 106 review priorto ground disturbing activities taking place. Failure to comply with these stipulations may jeopardize receipt of federal funding. Correspondence/Consultation/References: NHPA effect determinations made by DanaLinck, FEMA Historic Preservation Specialist. B. Endangered Species Act £3 No listed species and/or designated critical habitat present in areas affected directly or indirectly by the Federal action. (Review Concluded) • Listed species and/or designated critical habitat present in the areas affected directly or indirectly by the Federal action. O No effect to species ordesignated critical habitat (See comments for justification) Areproject conditions required? • Yes (see Section V) • No(Review Concluded) • May affect, but not likely to adversely affect species or designated critical habitat (FEMA determination/USFWS/NMFS concurrence on file) (Review Concluded) Areproject conditions required? • Yes (see Section V) • No(Review Concluded) • Likely toadversely affect species ordesignated critical habitat E] Formal consultation concluded. (Biological Assessment and Biological Opinion on file) Are project conditions required? • YES (see Section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: Endangered Species Summary forUSFWS Consultation, letter to Don Fairley from USFWS dated September 15, 2005 C. Coastal Barrier Resources Act ^ ProjectisnotonorconnectedtoCBRAUnitorOtherwiseProtectedArea (Review Concluded). • Project is on orconnected to CBRA Unit or Otherwise Protected Area. (FEMA determination/USFWS consultation on file) D Proposed action an exception under Section 3505.a.6 (Review Concluded) O Proposed action not excepted under Section 3505.a.6. Are project conditions required? • YES (see Section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: Louisiana Coastal Barrier Resource System Maps referenced April 25,2007. D. Clean Water Act ^ Project would not affect any waters ofthe U.S. (Review Concluded) O Project would affect waters, including wetlands, ofthe U.S. • Project exempted as inkind replacement orother exemption. (Review Concluded) • Project requires Section 404/401 ofClean Water Act orSection 9/10 ofRivers and Harbors Act permit, including qualification under Nationwide Permits. Areproject conditions required? • YES (see Section V) Q NO(Review Concluded) CH Project would affect waters ofthe U.S. by discharging to asurface water body. Comments: Theapplicantshallcoordinatewithorobtainanyrequiredpermitsorcertificationsforwastewater treatment plants(liftstations) fromtheLouisianaDepartmentofEnvironmentalQuality(LDEQ)andU.S. CorpsofEngineers (USACE)priorto initiatingwork. Theapplicantshallcomplywithallconditionsofthe permitsregulatedunderSection402 and404ofthe Clean Water Act. Allcoordination pertaining tothese activities should bedocumented and copies forwarded to the state and FEMA as part of the permanent project files. Correspondence/Consultation/References: USFWS National Wetlands Inventory map ( queried on April 25,2007. E. Coastal Zone Management Act LJ Project is not located in a coastal zone area and does not affect a coastal zone area (Review concluded) [3 Project islocatedina coastal zone area and/or affects thecoastal zone [I] Project would disturb <1 acre, state administering agency does not require consistency review. (Review Concluded). Record of EnvironmentalConsideration(VersionApril 2007) Reviewer Name: Nicole Poret ProjectName/Env Database No: FourLiftStations/ PW6690Version 1 FEMA-1603/1607-DR-LA Parish: St. Bernard Parish 13Project triggers the Clean Water Act or could affect awaterway, state administering agency requires consistency review. Are project conditions required? ^ YES (see Section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: This project islocated within theLouisianaCoastal ManagementZone. Louisiana DepartmentofNatural Resources(LDNR)hasdeterminedthatreceiptoffederalassistanceisconsistentwiththe LouisianaCoastalResource Program. ProjectswithinthecoastalzonemaystillrequireaCoastalUsePermitorotherauthorizationfromLDNR. Projectsmaybecoordinated bycontactingLDNRat 1-800-267-4019. Correspondence/Consultation/References: Louisiana Coastal Zone maps queried April 25, 2007 . F. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act [3 Projectdoesnotaffect,control,ormodifyawaterway/bodyofwater. (Review Concluded) O Projectaffects,controlsormodifiesawaterway/bodyofwater. • Coordination withUSFWS conducted • No Recommendations offered by USFWS. (Review Concluded) CD Recommendations provided by USFWS. Are project conditions required? • YES (see Section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: Nicole Poret, Environmental Specialist G. Clean Air Act [3 Project will not result inpermanent air emissions. (Review Concluded) O Project islocated inanattainment area. (Review Concluded) l~lProject islocated ina non-attainment area. C] Coordination required with applicable state administering agency. Are project conditions required? • YES (see section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: EPARegion6Non-attainment Map,NicolePoret,Environmental Specialist H. Farmland Protection Policy Act 13 Project will not affect undisturbed ground. (Review Concluded) O Projecthasazoningclassificationthatisotherthanagriculturalorisinanurbanizedarea. (Review Concluded) l~l Project does not affect designated prime orunique farmland. (Review Concluded) O Projectcausesunnecessaryorirreversibleconversionofdesignatedprimeoruniquefarmland. O Coordination with Natural Resources Conservation Service required. O Farmland Conversion Impact Rating, Form AD-1006, completed. Are project conditions required? Q YES (see section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Project is repair of a lift station. Correspondence/Consultation/References: I. Migratory Bird Treaty Act O Project not located within a flyway zone (Review Concluded) ^ Project located within a flyway zone. E^l Project does not have potential to take migratory birds (Review Concluded) Areproject conditions required? O Yes (see section V) [3 No (ReviewConcluded) l~l Project has potential to take migratory birds. • Contactmadewith USFWS Areproject conditions required? • YES (see section V) • NO(ReviewConcluded) Comments: Thesiteisanexistingdisturbedareawithlittlevalueto migratorybirdsandwouldnotbe includedinthe USFWS migratory bird management program. Correspondence/Consultation/References: USFWS guidance letter dated September 27, 2005. Record ofEnvironmental Consideration (Version April 2007) Reviewer Name: Nicole Poret Project Name/Env Database No: Four Lift Stations/ PW 6690 Version 1 FEMA-1603/1607-DR-LA Parish: St. Bernard Parish J. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act S Project not located inornear Essential Fish Habitat (Review Concluded) • Project located inornear Essential Fish Habitat. • Project does not adversely affect Essential Fish Habitat (Review Concluded) Are project conditions required? • Yes (see Section V) • No(Review Concluded) • Project adversely affects Essential Fish Habitat (FEMA determination/USFWS/NMFS concurrence on file) • NOAA Fisheries provided no recommendation(s) (Review Concluded). Are project conditions required? • Yes (see Section V) • No(Review Concluded) dl NOAA Fisheries provided recommendation(s) l~1 Written reply to NOAA Fisheries recommendations completed. Are project conditions required? • YES (see Section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Project isnotlocated inornearany surface waters with thepotential toaffect EFH species. Correspondence/Consultation/References: Nicole Poret, Environmental Specialist K. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 13 Project is not along and does not affect Wild orScenic River (WSR) -(Review Concluded) • ProjectisalongoraffectsWSR • Project adversely affects WSR as determined by NPS/USFS. FEMA cannot fund the action. (NPS/USFS/USFWS/BLM consultationon file) (Review Concluded) • Project does not adversely affect WSR. (NPS/USFS/USFWS/BLM consultation on file) Are project conditions required? • YES (see Section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: National WildandScenicRivers L. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Comments: Unusableequipment,debrisand materialshallbe disposedofinanapprovedmannerandlocation. Intheevent significant items (orevidence thereof) arediscovered during implementation oftheprojectapplicant shall handle, manage, anddispose ofpetroleum products, hazardous materials and/ortoxic waste inaccordance tothe requirements andtothe satisfactionof the governinglocal,stateand federalagencies. Correspondence/Consultation/References: Nicole Poret, Environmental Specialist M. Other Relevant Laws and Environmental Regulations Formosan Termite Initiative Act InaccordancewiththeFormosanTermiteInitiativeAct,(LAR.S. 3:3391.1 thru3391.13)theLouisianaParishesof Calcasieu, Cameron, Jefferson Davis, Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St.Charles, St.John theBaptist, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa andWashington areunder quarantine. Themovement ofwood orcellulose material, temporary housingorarchitecturalcomponents(e.g. beams,doorsandotherwoodsalvagedfromastructure)maynotleavethe quarantined parishes without written authorization from theCommissionerofthe Louisiana Department ofAgriculture and Forestry orhisdesignee(s). II. Compliance Review for Executive Orders A. E.0.11988 -Floodplains • No Effect on Floodplains/Flood levels and project outside Floodplain -(Review Concluded) [>3 Located in Floodplain orEffects on Floodplains/Flood levels ^ No adverse effect on floodplain and not adversely affected by the floodplain. (Review Concluded). Are project conditions required? £3 Yes (seeSection V) • No(Review Concluded) O Beneficial Effect on Floodplain Occupancy/Values (Review Concluded). Record of Environmental Consideration (Version April 2007) Reviewer Name: NicolePoret Project Name/Env Database No: Four Lift Stations/PW6690 Version 1 FEMA-1603/1607-DR-LA Parish: St. Bernard Parish • Possible adverse effects associated with investment in floodplain, occupancy ormodification offloodplain environment Q 8 Step Process Complete -documentation on file Are project conditions required? • YES (see Section V) • NO (Review Concluded) O AFinal Public Notice isrequired Comments: 7he parish of St. Bernard enrolled in the National Flood Insurance Program 03/13/1970. Per Flood Insurance RateMaps(FIRM)2252040280B,0290B,and0295Bdated03/04/1987and05/01/1985. Projectsare locatedinzones A2andA3areasof 100-yearflood; basefloodelevations determined. IncompliancewithE.O. 11988,andper44CFR9.11 alternativeswerereviewed. Theprojectsare functionallydependantonthe sewagesystem.The4projectsare repair/replacementoftheliftstationstothepre-disaster condition. Per44CFR9.11(d)(9),thereplacementof building contents,materialsandequipment,wherepossible,disasterproofingofthebuildingand/oreliminationofsuch future losses byrelocationofthosebuildingcontents, materialsandequipmentoutsideorabovetheAdvisoryBaseFloodplainElevation (ABFE). Per44CFR9.12,applicantmustpublishafinalpublicnotice15dayspriortothestartofconstructionactivities. A certified copy of the published final public notice is to be forwarded to the Louisiana Governor's Office of Homeland SecurityandEmergency Preparedness(GOHSEP)andFEMAforinclusion inthepermanentprojectfiles. Correspondence/Consultation/References: Harriet Wegner, FPM B. E.O. 11990-Wetlands ^ No Effects onWetland(s) and/or project located outside Wetland(s) -(Review Concluded) O LocatedinWetlandoreffectsWetland(s) Q Beneficial Effecton Wetland -(Review Concluded) |~1 Possible adverse effect associated with constructing inor near wetland l~~l Review completed aspart offloodplain review O 8 Step Process Complete -documentation on file Are project conditions required? O YES (see Section V) • NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: USFWS NWI map accessed on-line April 25, 2007. C. E.O. 12898 -Environmental Justice for Low Income and Minority Populations ^ Project scope ofwork has no potential toadversely impact any population (Review Concluded) l~1 No Low income orminority population in, near oraffected by the project based oninformation gathered from [add a reference] (Review Concluded) f~1 Low income orminority population inornear project area • No disproportionately high and adverse impact on low income orminority population (Review Concluded) f~l Disproportionately high oradverse effects onlow income orminority population Are project conditions required? O YES (seeSection V) O NO(ReviewConcluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: III. Other Environmental Issues Identify other potential environmental concerns in the comment box not clearly falling under a law or executive order (see environmental concerns scoping checklist for guidance). Comments: Although this project qualifies for Alternative Arrangements, a public involvement plan is not necessary. Correspondence/Consultation/Reference: IV. Extraordinary Circumstances Yes IZ1 (i)Greaterscopeorsizethannormallyexperiencedforaparticularcategoryofaction [U (ii) Actions with a high level of public controversy Record of Environmental Consideration (Version April 2007) Reviewer Name: Nicole Poret Project Name/Env Database No: FourLiftStations/ PW 6690 Version 1 FEMA-1603/1607-DR-LA Parish: St. Bernard Parish • (iii) Potential for degradation, even though slight, ofalready existing poor environmental conditions; • (iv) Employment ofunproven technology with potential adverse effects or actions involving unique or unknown environmental risks; D (v) Presence ofendangered or threatened species or their critical habitat, or archaeological, cultural, historical or other protected resources; • (vi) Presence ofhazardous ortoxic substances atlevels which exceed Federal, state orlocal regulationsor standardsrequiringactionor attention; C] (vii) Actions with the potential to affect special status areas adversely or other critical resources suchas wetlands, coastalzones, wildlife refuge andwilderness areas,wildandscenicrivers, sole or principal drinking water aquifers; Q (viii) Potential for adverse effects on health orsafety; and CH (ix) Potential to violate afederal, state, local or tribal law or requirement imposed for the protection of the environment. LJ (x)Potentialforsignificantcumulativeimpactwhentheproposedactioniscombinedwith otherpast,presentandreasonablyforeseeablefuture actions,eventhoughtheimpactsofthe proposed action may not be significant by themselves. Comments: V. Environmental Review Project Conditions Project Conditions: This project must comply with all conditions of the attached Programmatic Categorical Exclusion. In addition, the following conditions apply as a condition of FEMA funding reimbursement: 1. Demolition must follow the Lower-Impact Demolition Stipulations which are attached. These stipulations should be explicit in the demolition contract. 2. If during the course of work, archaeological artifacts (prehistoric or historic) or human remains are discovered, the applicantshallstopworkinthevicinityofthediscovery andtakeallreasonablemeasuresto avoidor minimize harmtothe finds. TheapplicantshallinformtheirPublicAssistance(PA)contactsatFEMA,whowillinturncontactFEMAHistoric Preservation (HP) staff. Theapplicant will notproceed withworkuntil FEMAHPcompletes consultation with theSHPO. In addition, if unmarkedgraves are present,compliancewiththe LouisianaUnmarkedHuman Burial SitesPreservationAct (R.S.8:671 etseq.)is required. Theapplicantshallnotifythelawenforcementagencyofthejurisdictionwheretheremains arelocatedwithintwenty-fourhoursofthediscovery. TheapplicantshallalsonotifyFEMAandtheLouisianaDivisionof Archaeologyat225-342-8170 withinseventy-twohoursofthe discovery. Ifthisscopeofworkand/orthefootprint/location ofthenewbuildingchanges, thisprojectwillneedtoberesubmitted forfurtherSection106reviewpriortoground disturbingactivitiestakingplace. Failureto complywiththesestipulationsmayjeopardizereceiptof federalfunding. 3.Theapplicantshallcoordinatewithorobtainanyrequiredpermitsorcertificationsforwastewatertreatment plants(lift stations) from theLouisiana Department of Environmental Quality(LDEQ) andU.S.CorpsofEngineers (USACE) priorto initiating work. Theapplicant shall comply withall conditions ofthe permits regulated underSection402and404ofthe CleanWaterAct.Allcoordinationpertainingtotheseactivities shouldbedocumentedandcopiesforwardedtothestateand FEMA as part ofthe permanent project files. 4.Thisprojectis locatedwithintheLouisiana CoastalManagementZone. LouisianaDepartmentof NaturalResources (LDNR)hasdeterminedthatreceiptoffederalassistance isconsistentwiththeLouisianaCoastalResource Program. Projectswithinthecoastalzonemaystillrequirea CoastalUsePermitorotherauthorizationfrom LDNR. Projectsmaybe coordinated by contacting LDNR at 1-800-267-4019. 5.Unusableequipment,debrisandmaterialshallbedisposedofinanapprovedmannerandlocation. Intheevent significantitems(orevidencethereof)arediscoveredduringimplementationoftheprojectapplicantshall handle, manage, anddisposeofpetroleumproducts,hazardous materialsand/ortoxic waste inaccordancetothe requirementsandtothe satisfaction of the governing local, state and federal agencies. Record of Environmental Consideration (Version April 2007) Reviewer Name: Nicole Poret Project Name/Env Database No: Four Lift Stations/ PW 6690 Version 1 FEMA-1603/1607-DR-LA Parish: St. Bernard Parish 6. In accordance with the Formosan Termite Initiative Act, (LA R.S. 3:3391.1 thru 3391.13) the Louisiana Parishes of Calcasieu, Cameron, Jefferson Davis, Orleans, Jefferson, Plaquemines, St. Bernard, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. Tammany, Tangipahoa and Washington are under quarantine. The movement ofwood or cellulose material, temporary housing or architectural components (e.g. beams, doors and other wood salvaged from astructure) may not leave the quarantined parishes without written authorization from the Commissioner ofthe Louisiana Department ofAgriculture and Forestry or his designee(s). 7. Per 44 CFR 9.11(d)(9), the replacement ofbuilding contents, materials and equipment, where possible, disaster proofingofthe building and/or elimination ofsuch future losses by relocation ofthose building contents, materials and equipment outside or above the Advisory Base Floodplain Elevation (ABFE). Per 44 CFR 9.12, applicant must publish afinal public notice 15 days prior to the start ofconstruction activities. Acertified copy ofthe published final public notice is to be forwarded to the Louisiana Governor's Office ofHomeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (GOHSEP) and FEMA for inclusion in the permanent project files. Recordof EnvironmentalConsideration (Version April2007)