Record of Environmental Consideration See 44 Code of Federal Regulation Part 10. Project NamelNumber: SWB of NO -Administration Building / PW 9747 Project Location: 6501 Florida Avenue, City of New Orleans, Louisiana, Orleans Parish 70117 (N29.99753, W-89.99740) Project Description: Project activities include rebuilding the New Orleans Sewerage and Water 4,000 square feet Administration Building. Hazard mitigation will be accomplished by applying current codes and standards to the new construction. Documentation Requirements o No Documentation Required (Review Concluded) o (Short version) All consultation and agreements implemented to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, and Executive Orders 11988, 11990 and 12898 are completed and no other laws apply. (Review Concluded) [gI (Long version) All applicable laws and executive orders were reviewed. Additional information for compliance is attached to this REC. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Determination o Statutorily excluded from NEP A review. (Review Concluded) o Programmatic Categorical Exclusion -Category (Review Concluded) o Categorical Exclusion -Category o No Extraordinary Circumstances exist. Are project conditions required? 0 Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) o Extraordinary Circumstances exist (See Section IV). o Extraordinary Circumstances mitigated. (See Section IV comments) Are project conditions required? 0 Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) o Environmental Assessment o Supplemental Environmental Assessment (Reference EA or PEA in comments) [gI Environmental Impact Statement Comments: 6.24.2006. This project meets the criteria for an Alternative Arrangement (Utilities and Wastewater Treatment Plants) type of project. This project has conditions and requires mitigation under the other EHP laws. Reviewer and Approvals o Project is Non-Compliant (See attached docurnentationjustifying selection). FEMA Environmental Reviewer. Record of Environmental Consideration 06129/06 Name: Perry J. Boudreaux, Envirorunental Specialist Signature ~~ . Date_~6/-=2=9/-=2.,:..;OO~6,---___----= FEMA Regional Envirorunental Officer or delegated approving official. Name: Don Fairley, ELO Signature ~~~ • Date_----::6"""/2=9.:.,:/2::..=O-"-06:.-___--" I. Compliance Review for Environmental Laws (other than NEPAl A. National Historic Preservation Act D Not type ofactivity with potential to affect historic properties. (Review Concluded) ~Applicable executed Programmatic Agreement December 3,2004 Otherwise, conduct standard Section 106 review. ~Activity meets Programmatic Allowance # Appendix A Section I (A) Are project conditions required? ~Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) mSTORIC BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ~No historic properties that are listed or 45/50 years or older in project area. (Review Concluded) D Building or structure listed or 45/50 years or older in project area and activity not exempt from review. D Determination ofNo Historic Properties Affected (FEMA fmdinglSHPOffHPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Determination of Historic Properties Affected (FEMA fmdinglSHPOffHPO concurrence on file) D Property a National Historic Landmark and National Park Service was provided early notification during the consultation process. If not, explain in comments D No Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA fmdinglSHPO/THPO concurrence on file). Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA findinglSHPO/THPO concurrence on file) D Resolution of Adverse Effect completed. (MOA on file) Are project conditions required D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES ~Project affects only previously disturbed ground. (Review Concluded) D Project affects undisturbed ground. D Project area has no potential for presence ofarcheological resources D Determination of no historic properties affected (FEMA findinglSHPOffHPO concurrence or consultation on file). (Review Concluded) D Project area has potential for presence ofarcheological resources D Determination of no historic properties affected (FEMA fmdinglSHPQ/THPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Determination ofhistoric properties affected D NR eligible resources not present (FEMA fmdinglSHPOffHPO concurrence on file). Are project conditions required DYes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D NR eligible resources present in project area. (FEMA fmdingl SHPOffHPO concurrence on file) D No Adverse Effect Determination. (FEMA findingl SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Adverse Effect Determination. (FEMA fmdingl SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) D Resolution of Adverse Effect completed. (MOA on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) Record ofEnvironmental Consideration 2 Comments: 6/27/2006 -Historic review complete: As demolition ofthis structure was covered in a separate pw, this historic review is for the replacement ofthe structure within its pre-rotection Policy Act [8J Project does not affect designated prime or unique farmland. (Review Concluded) o Project causes unnecessary or irreversible conversion of designated prime or unique farmland. o Coordination with Natural Resource Conservation Commission required. o Farmland Conversion Impact Rating, Form AD-I 006, completed. Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Correspondence/C onsu Ifation! References: I. Migrato."y Bird Treaty Act o Project not located within a flyway zone, (Review Concluded) [8J Project located within a flyway zone. [8J Project docs not have potential to take migratory birds. (Review Concluded) Arc project conditions required? 0 Yes (see section V) [:gJ No (Review Concluded) o Project has potentiaito take migratory birds. o Contact made with USFWS Arc project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) 06/29/06 Comments: See letter from Don Fairley to Mr. Russ Watson with USF&WS, dated 09/14/2005. Specifically, FEMA has determined that restoration projects runded with federal resources will not have adverse impacts on migratory birds or other /ish and wildlire reserves. These determinations are based on the understanding that the conditions outlined in the Louisiana Endangered Species Summary are met Correspondence/Consultation/References: map.pdf, .T. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act [8J Project not located in or ncar Essential Fish Habitat. (Review Concluded) o Project located in or ncar Essential Fish Habitat. o Project does not adversely affect Essential Fish Habitat. (Review Concluded) Arc project conditions required? 0 Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) o Project adversely arrects Essential Fish Habitat (FEMA detenninationlUSFWSINMFS concurrence on file) o NOAA fisheries provided no recommendation(s) (Review Concluded). Arc project conditions required? 0 Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) o NOAA fisheries provided recommendation(s) o Written reply to NOAA Fisheries recommendations completed. Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None CorrespondencelC onsul tat ion! References: K. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act o Project is not along and does not affect Wild or Scenic River (WSR) -(Review Concluded) o Project is along or affects WSR o Project adversely arrects WSR as determined by NPSIUSFS. FEMA cannot fund the action. (NPS/USFS/USFWS/BLM consultation on file) (Review Concluded) o Project does not adversely arfect WSR. (NPSIUSFSIUSFWSIBLM consultation on file) Are project conditions rcquired? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None CorrespondenceiConsult at ionlR eferences: L. Other Relevant Laws and Environmental Regulations II. Compliance Review for Executive Orders A. E.O. 11988 -Floodplains o No Efrect on Floodplains/Flood levels and project outside Floodplain -(Review Concluded) o Located in 17100dplain or Efrects on Floodplains/Flood levels o No adverse effect on floodplain and not adversely affected by the floodplain. (Review Concluded), Are project conditions required? 0 Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) o Beneficial Effect on Floodplain OccupancyNalues {Review Concluded}. o Possible advcrse efrects associated with investment in floodplain, occupancy or modification offloodplain envirollment 08 Stcp Process Complete -documentation on file Are project conditions required? [8J YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments 06/21/06 -The City of New Orleans/Orleans Parish enrolled in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) 08/0311970. Per flood insurance rate map 225203 0115e, dated 03/01/1984, project is located in zone Al, area of lOOyr flood; base flood elevations and flood hazard factors detennined. Applicant is required to coordinate with the local floodplain administrator regarding floodplain penn it prior to the start ofany activities. Applicant is responsible for meeting all requirements of the penn it. All coordination pertaining to these activities should be documented and forwarded to GOHSEP and FEMA as part of the permanent project files. 8-step process has been completed and attached. Rezwan Karim,CFM Correspondence/Consultation/References: B. E.O. 11990 -Wetlands [gJ No Effects on Wetland(s) and project located outside Wetland(s) -(Review Concluded) o Located in Wetland or effects Wetland(s) o Beneficial Effect on Wetland -(Review Concluded) o Possible adverse effect associated with constructing in or near wetland o Review completed as part of floodplain review o 8 Step Process Complete -documentation on file Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Correspondence/Consultation/References: C. E.O. 12898 -Environmental Justice For Low Income and Minority Populations [gJ No Low income or minority population in, near or affected by the project -(Review Concluded) o Low income or minority population in or near project area o No disproportionately high and adverse impact on low income or minority population-(Review Concluded) o Disproportionately high or adverse effects on low income or minority population Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Correspondence/Consultation/References: III. Other Environmental Issues Identify other potential environmental concerns in the comment box not clearly falling under a law or executive order (see environmental concerns scoping checklist for guidance). Comments: None Correspondence/Consultation/References: IV. Extraordinary Circumstances Based on the review of compliance with other environmental laws and Executive Orders, and in consideration of other environmental factors, review the project for extraordinary circumstances. * A "Yes" under any circumstance may require an Environmental Assessment (EA) with the exception of(ii) which should be applied in conjunction with controversy on an environmental issue. If the circumstance can be mitigated, please explain in comments. Ifno, leave blank. Yes o (i) Greater scope or size tllan normally experienced for a particular category of action o (ii) Actions with a high level of public controversy o (iii) Potential for degradation, even though slight, of already existing poor environmental conditions; o (iv) Employment of unproven technology with potential adverse effects or actions involving unique or unknown environmental risks; o (v) Presence ofendangered or threatened species or their critical habitat, or archaeological, cultural, historical or other protected resources; o (vi) Presence of hazardous or toxic substances at levels which exceed Federal, state or local regulations or standards requiring action or attention; o (vii) Actions with the potential to affect special status areas adversely or other critical resources such as wetlands, coastal lones, wildlife refuge and wilderness areas, wild and scenic rivers, sole or principal drinking water aquifers; o (viii) Potential for adverse effects on health or safety; and o (ix) Potential to violate a federal, state, local or tribal law or requirement imposed for the protection of the environment. o (x) Potential for significant cumulative impact when the proposed action is combined with other past, present and reasonably foreseeable future actions, even though the impacts ofthe proposed action may not be significant by themselves. IComments: None V. Environmental Review Project Conditions Project Conditions: 1. Applicant is required to coordinate with the local flood plain administrator regarding floodplain permit prior to the start of any activities. Applicant is responsible for meeting all requirements of the permit. All coordination pertaining to these activities should be documented and forwarded to GOHSEP and FEMA as part of the permanent project files. 2. Ifduring the course of work, archaeological artifacts (prehistoric or historic) or human remains are discovered, the applicant shall stop work in the vicinity of the discovery and take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize harm to the finds. The applicant shall inform their Public Assistance (PA) contacts at FEMA, who will in turn contact FEMA Historic Preservation staff. The applicant will not proceed with work until FEMA Historic Preservation staff have completed consultation with the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). In addition, if unmarked graves are present, compliance with the Louisiana Unmarked Human Burial Sites Preservation Act (R.S. 8:671 et seq.) is required. The applicant shall notify the law enforcement agency of the jurisdiction where the remains are located within twenty-four hours of the discovery. The applicant shall also notify FEMA and the Louisiana Unmarked Burial Sites Board (call the Louisiana Division of Archeology at 225-342-8170) within seventy-two hours of the discovery. Failure to comply with these stipulations may jeopardize receipt of FEMA funding. If the scope of work changes, this project will need to be resubmitted for further historic review. Monitoring Requirements: None