Reviewer Name: Letha Dawson ApplieaDt: Recovery School District DisuterlEmergencylProgramIProjeet Title: DRI603LA I Hurricane Katrina I Public Assislance Program I EOR 2207 Edward Livingston Middle School -Storage Building Record of Environmental Consideration See 44 Code ofFederal Regulation Part 10. Project NamelNumber: Edward Livingston Middle School-Storage Building / PW 13376 Project Location: 7301 Dwyer Road, New Orleans, Louisiana, Orleans Parish, 70126 (N30.02198, W-90.00289) Project Description: Project activities include removing and replacing built-up bitumen roof with aggregate/flashing, drywall, incandescent light fixture, halogen exterior light fixture, hollow metal door, aluminum windows, and wooden work bench. Some mitigation will be achieved by compliance with current codes and standards and by good construction practices. Documentation Requirements o No Documentation Required . o Project is on or connected to CBRA Unit or Otherwise Protected Area. (FEMA determinationlUSFWS consultation on file) o Proposed action an exception under Section 3505.a.6? (Review Concluded) o Proposed action not excepted under Section 3505.a.6. Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Correspondence/Consultation/References: D. Clean Water Act 181 Project would not affect any waters of the U.S. (Review Concluded) o Project would affect waters, including wetlands, ofthe U.S. o Project exempted as in kind replacement or other exemption. (Review Concluded) o Project requires Section 404/401l0r Section 9110 (Rivers and Harbors Act) permit, including qualification under Nationwide Permits. Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Correspondence/Consultation/References: E. Coastal Zone Management Act o Project is not located in a coastal zone area and does not affect a coastal zone area (Review concluded) 181 Project is located in a coastal zone area and/or affects the coastal zone t8l State administering agency does not require consistency review. (Review Concluded). o State administering agency requires consistency review. Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: This project is located within the Louisiana Coastal Management Zone. LA DNR has determined that receipt offederal assistance is consistent with the Louisiana Coastal Resource Program. Projects within the Coastal Record of Environmental Consideration 3 Reviewer Nlme: Letha Dawson AppliClnt: Recovery School District DisuterlEmergencylProgramIProJect Title: DRI603LA I Hurricane Katrina I Public Assistance Program I EOR 2207 Edward Livingston Middle School -Storage Building Zone may still require a Coastal Use Pennit or other authorization from DNR. Projects may be coordinated by contacting LA DNRat 1-800-267-4019. Correspondence/Consultation/References: F. Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act 181 Project does not affect, control, or modify a waterwaylbody of water. (Review Concluded) D Project affects. controls or modifies a waterwaylbody ofwater. D Coordination with USFWS conducted D No Recommendations offered by USFWS. (Review Concluded) D Recommendations provided by USFWS. Are project conditions required? D YES (see section V) D NO (Review Concluded> Comments: None Co"espondence/ConsuitationiReferences: G. Clean Air Act 181 Project will not result in pennanent air emissions. (Review Concluded) D Project is located in an attainment area. (Review Concluded) D Project is located in a non-attainment area. D Coordination required with applicable state administering agency.. Are project conditions required? D YES (see section V) D NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Co"espondence/ConsuitationiRejerences: H. Farmland Protection Policy Act 181 Project does not affect designated prime or unique farmland. (Review Concluded) D Project causes unnecessary or irreversible conversion of designated prime or unique farmland. D Coordination with Natural Resource Conservation Commission required. D Farmland Conversion Impact Rating, Fonn AD-I 006, completed. Are project conditions required? D YES (see section V) D NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Co"espondence/Consultation/References: I. Migratory Bird Treaty Act D Project not located within a flyway zone. (Review Concluded) 181 Project located within a flyway zone. 181 Project does not have potential to take migratory birds. (Review Concluded) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) 181 No (Review Concluded) D Project has potential to take migratory birds. D Contact made with USFWS Are project conditions required? D YES (see section V) D NO (Review Concluded) Comments: See letter from Don Fairley to Mr. Russ Watson with USF&WS. dated 09/14/2005. Specifically, FEMA has detennined that restoration projects funded with federal resources will not have adverse impacts on migratory birds or other fish and wildlife reserves. These detenninations are based on the understanding that the conditions outlined in the Louisiana Endangered Species Summary are met. Correspondence/Consultation/References: http://pacificflyway.govlDocuments/Mississippi map.pdf, J. Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act 181 Project not located in or near Essential Fish Habitat. (Review Concluded) D Project located in or near Essential Fish Habitat. Record of Environmental Consideration 4 Reviewer Name: Letha Dawson Applicant: Recovery School District DisasterlEmergencylProgramJProject Title: DR1603LA! Hurricane Katrina! Public Assistance Program! EOR 2207 Edward Livingston Middle School -Storage Building o Project does not adversely affect Essential Fish Habitat. (Review Concluded) Are project conditions required? 0 Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) o Project adversely affects Essential Fish Habitat (FEMA detennination/USFWS/NMFS concurrence on file) o NOAA Fisheries provided no recommendation(s) (Review Concluded). Are project conditions required? 0 Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) o NOAA Fisheries provided recommendation(s) o Written reply to NOAA Fisheries recommendations completed. Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Correspondence/Consultation/References: K. Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 181 Project is not along and does not affect Wild or Scenic River (WSR) -(Review Concluded) o Project is along or affects WSR o Project adversely affects WSR as detennined by NPSIUSFS. FEMA cannot rund tbe action. (NPSIUSFSIUSFWSIBLM consultation on file) (Review Concluded) o Project does not adversely affect WSR. (NPSIUSFSIUSFWSIBLM consultation on file) Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: None Correspondence/Consultation/References: L. Other Relevant Laws and Environmental Regulations II. Compliance Review for Executive Orders A. E.O. 11988 -Floodplains o No Effect on FloodplainsIFlood levels and project outside Floodplain -(Review Concluded) 181 Located in Floodplain or Effects on FloodplainslFlood levels 181 No adverse effect on floodplain and not adversely affected by the floodplain. (Review Concluded), Are project conditions required? 181 Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) o Beneficial Effect on Floodplain OccupancyNalues (Review Concluded). o Possible adverse effects associated with investment in floodplain, occupancy or modification of floodplain environment o 8 Step Process Complete -documentation on file Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: 0811 0/2006-The City ofNew OrleanS/Orleans Parish is enrolled in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), as of08/03/1970. Per Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) panel number 2252030 liSE dated 03/0111984, project is located within an "A4t1 zone, area of IOO-yr flooding, base flood elevations and flood hazard factors as detennined. Project is repair of building, including replacement of lighting fIXtures. Per 44 CFR 9.11 (0)(9), the replacement of building contents, materials and equipment, where appropriate, disaster proofing of the building and/or elimination of such future losses by relocation of those building contents, materials and equipment to or above the advisory base elevation. K. Roof, Floodplain Management Specialist. Correspondencelconsultation/references: B. E.O. 11990 -Wetlands 181 No Effects on Wetland(s) and project located outside Wetland(s) -(Review Concluded) o Located in Wetland or effects Wetland(s) o Beneficial Effect on Wetland -(Review Concluded) o Possible adverse effect associated with constructing in or near wetland / 0 Review completed as part of floodplain review o 8 Step Process Complete -documentation on file Reviewer Name: Letha Dawson Applicant: Recovery School District Disa.terlEmergencylProgramIProject Title: DRI603LA I Hurricane Katrina I Public: Assistance Program I EOR 2207 Edward Livingston Middle School· Storage Building Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO