Record of Environmental Consideration REVISED FOR FEMA ENVIRONMENTAL --LOUISIANA -April 2007 See 44 Code of Federal Regulation Part 10 Project NamelNumber: EOR 1444 Martin Luther King School for Science and Technology/ PW 12492 Version 2/ FIPS 033-UA9M2-00 Applicant Name: Recovery School District Project Location: 1617 Caffin Ave., New Orleans, Orleans Parish, Louisiana 70117 (29.96672N, 90.01379W) Project Description: Hurricane Katrina's high velocity winds, heavy rains, and flooding caused extensive damages to the Martin Luther King School for Science and Technology. Previous versions of Project Worksheet 12492 have addressed repairs to this facility. This version is to add repairs and a Hazard Mitigation Proposal (HMP) to the scope ofwork. The added repairs include replacing door hardware to fire/life safety, fire alarm and protection components, chain link fence, replace and upgrade elevators, metal studs, electrical components, bathroom equipment, exterior lights and poles, data cables, and chillers and associated units. Additional work will include cleaning and sanitizing playground equipment, the ductwork system, and the sound block. The HMP is to replace 23,100 square feet of ceiling tiles with mold/water resistant tiles. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPAl Determination D Statutorily excluded from NEPA review (Review Concluded) [8J Programmatic Categorical Exclusion -Category xv, xvi, and xx (Review Concluded) D Categorical Exclusion -Category D No Extraordinary Circumstances exist. Are project conditions required? Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Extraordinary Circumstances exist (see Section IV). D Extraordinary Circumstances mitigated. (see Section IV comments) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Environmental Assessment D Supplemental Environmental Assessment (Reference EA or PEA in comments) D Environmental Impact Statement D Scope of work requires public involvement plan Comments: This project qualifies for the Programmatic Categorical Exclusion: Restoration and/or Improvements of Internal Facili S stems or Com onents. D Project is Non-Compliant (see attached documentation justifying selection). Reviewer and Approvals FEMA Environmental Reviewer: Name: Nicole Poret, Environmental Specialist Signature ">n~k 1J~ FEMA Environmental Liaison Officer or Delegated Approving Official: Name: Tiffany Spann, Delegated Approving Official, FEMA LA TRO Signature~ ~ 2j2l\\)3 Date . I. Compliance Review for Environmental Laws (other than NEPA) A. National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) [8J Not type of activity with potential to affect historic structures or archaeological resources (Review Concluded) D Activity meets Programmatic Agreement, December 3, 2004. Appendix A: Allowance No. Are project conditions required? D Yes (see Section V) D No D Programmatic Agreement not applicable for historic structures or archeological sites, must conduct standard Section 106 Review (see below). Other Programmatic Agreement dated insert date ofPA applies HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES [8J No historic properties that are listed or 45/50 years or older in project area. (Review Concluded) D Building or structure listed or 45/50 years or older in project area and activity not exempt from review. D Determination of No Historic Properties Affected (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see Section V) No (Review Concluded) D Determination of Historic Properties Affected (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) D Property a National Historic Landmark and National Park Service was provided early notification during the consultation process. Ifnot, explain in comments D No Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see Section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) D Resolution of Adverse Effect completed (MOA on file) Are project conditions required D Yes (see Section V) No (Review Concluded) ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES [8J Project scope ofwork has no potential to affect archeological resources (Review Concluded) D Project affects only previously disturbed ground. (Review Concluded) D Project affects undisturbed ground or grounds associated with an historic structure D Project area has no potential for presence ofarcheological resources D Determination of no historic properties affected (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) (Review Concluded) D Project area has potential for presence of archeological resources D Determination of no historic properties affected (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required D Yes (see Section V) No (Review Concluded) D Determination of historic properties affected D NR eligible resources not present (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required D Yes (see Section V) D No (Review Concluded) D NR eligible resources present in project area (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) D No Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA findingl SHPOITHPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see Section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) Resolution of Adverse Effect completed (MOA on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see Section V) D No (Review Concluded) Comments: Scope ofwork indicates ground disturbing activities associated with building repair, outdoor lighting, and playground equipment replacement and cleaning. Upon consultation ofdata provided by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), there are no known archaeological sites within .25 miles of the project area and all work will occur within a previously disturbed area. Therefore, the scope of work as submitted meets the criteria outlined in the Programmatic Agreement dated December 3, 2004, Appendix A, Section I-I, II-A-I, II-A-2, II-A-4, II-B-I, II-B-2, II-D-I, I1-C-I, II-H, IX-A, and IX-B. In accordance with this document, FEMA is not required to submit projects to the SHPO for review where the work performed meets these allowances. If during the course of work, archaeological artifacts (prehistoric or historic) or human remains are discovered, the applicant shall stop work in the vicinity ofthe discovery and take all reasonable measures to avoid or minimize harm to the finds. The applicant shall inform their Public Assistance (PA) contacts at FEMA, who will in tum contact FEMA Historic Preservation (HP) staff. The applicant will not proceed with work until FEMA HP completes consultation with the SHPO. In addition, if unmarked graves are present, compliance with the Louisiana Unmarked Human Burial Sites Preservation Act (R.S. 8:671 et seq.) is required. The applicant shall notifY the law enforcement agency of the jurisdiction where the remains are located within twenty-four hours of the discovery. The I I applicant shall also notify FEMA and the Louisiana Division of Archaeology at 22S-342-8170 within seventy-two hours of . the discovery. Failure to comply with these stipulations may jeopardize receipt ofFEMA funding . . Correspondence/Consultation/References: Chelsea Klein, Archaeologist/Historic Preservation Specialist B. Endangered Species Act [81 No listed species and/or designated critical habitat present in areas affected directly or indirectly by the Federal action. (Review Concluded) o Listed species and/or designated critical habitat present in the areas affected directly or indirectly by the Federal action. o No effect to species or designated critical habitat. (See comments for justification) Are project conditions required? Yes (see Section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) May affect, but not likely to adversely affect species or designated critical habitat (FEMA determinationfUSFWSfNMFS concurrence on file) (Review Concluded) Are project conditions required? Yes (see Section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) Likely to adversely affect species or designated critical habitat o Formal consultation concluded. (Biological Assessment and Biological Opinion on file) Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see Section V) NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: Endangered Species Summary for USFWS Consultation, letter to Don Fairley from USFWS dated September IS, 200S C. Coastal Barrier Resources Act [81 Project is not on or connected to CBRA Unit or Otherwise Protected Area (Review Concluded). o Project is on or connected to CBRA Unit or Otherwise Protected Area. (FEMA determination/USFWS consultation on file) o Proposed action an exception under Section 3S0S.a.6 (Review Concluded) o Proposed action not excepted under Section 3S0S.a.6. Are project conditions required? YES (see Section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: Louisiana Coastal Barrier Resource System Maps referenced August 29,2007. D. Clean Water Act [81 Project would not affect any waters of the U.S. (Review Concluded) o Project would affect waters, including wetlands, of the U.S. o Project exempted as in kind replacement or other exemption. (Review Concluded) o Project requires Section 404/40 I of Clean Water Act or Section 9/10 of Rivers and Harbors Act permit, including qualification under Nationwide Permits. Are project conditions required? YES (see Section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) o Project would affect waters ofthe U.S. by discharging to a surface water body. Comments: Correspondence/Consultation/References: USFWS National Wetlands Inventory map ( queried on August 29,2007. E. Coastal Zone Management Act o Project is not located in a coastal zone area and does not affect a coastal zone area (Review concluded) [81 Project is located in a coastal zone area and/or affects the coastal zone o Project would disturb