Reviewer: David lukkola Applicant: Delgado Community College FEMA-1603-DR -LA Parish: Orleans ABBREVIATED RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION See 44 Code of Federal Regulation Part 10. Project NamelNumber: City Park and Westbank Campus Exterior Lighting Repairs, 071-UDUS2-00 Project Location: 615 City Park Avenue & 2600 General Meyer Avenue, Orleans Parish, Latitude: 29.9839N, Longitude: 90.1051W Project Description: On August 29, 2005, as a direct result of hurricane force winds, and flooding caused by levee breaches, Delgado Community College incurred damages on its City Park Campus at 615 City Park Avenue, and its West Bank Campus at 2600 General Meyer A venue. These campuses were in active use at the time the disaster occurred. Delgado Community College (DCC) is an eligible educational facility, as defined in CFR 44, Part 206.221 (A)(3). Both campuses are located in the declared disaster area. Damage to the exterior lighting fixtures on the City Park Campus was from both flooding and wind. The Westbank Campus suffered wind damage, but no eligible damages to exterior lighting have been identified by the Project Officer on this campus. The low level lighting around Building 2 on the City Park Campus was inundated by 3-4' ofbrackish flood water that remained for several weeks. 36 light fixtures were under water during this time. The scope of work for this project is to restore the exterior lighting on this campus to it pre-disaster condition. This includes repair ofthe pole-mounted fixtures that are repairable and replacement of those missing of damaged beyond economical repair. Also included is the necessary labor and materials to rewire the repaired and replaced fixtures. Mitigation will be obtained by the replacement of 30 existing low level landscape light fixtures with 42" Ollard Lights mounted on 12" diameter, 18" high concrete pedestals with waterproof wiring. New direct buy UF cable will be installed to each new fixture and sealed at conduit entrances and exits. Documentation Reg uirements ~ (Short version) All consultation and agreements implemented to comply with the National Historic Preservation Act, Endangered Species Act, and Executive Orders 11988, 11990 and 12898 are completed and no other laws apply. (Review Concluded) D (Long version) All applicable laws and executive orders were reviewed. Additional information for compliance is attached to this REC and/or included in project files, as applicable. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPAl Determination D Statutorily excluded from NEP A review. (Review Concluded) D Programmatic Categorical Exclusion -(Review Concluded) D Categorical Exclusion -Category D No Extraordinary Circumstances exist. Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Extraordinary Circumstances exist (See Section IV). D Extraordinary Circumstances mitigated. (See Section IV comments) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) Abbreviated Record of Environmental Consideration Reviewer: David Jukkola Applicant: Delgado Community College FEMA-1603-DR-LA Parish: Orleans o Environmental Assessment o Supplemental Environmental Assessment (Reference EA or PEA in comments) [gJ Environmental Impact Statement Comments: This project meets the criteria for an Alternative Arrangement Permanent Schools type of project. Any change to the approved scope ofwork will require resubmission for re~evaluation for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Non~compliance with this requirement may jeopardize the receipt of Federal funding. The applicant is required to obtain and comply with all Local, State, and Federal permits. HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES r8J No historic properties that are listed or 45/50 years or older in project area. (Review Concluded) D Building or structure listed or 45/50 years or older in project area and activity not exempt from review. D Determination ofNo Historic Properties Affected (FEMA finding/SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Determination of Historic Properties Affected (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) D Property a National Historic Landmark and National Park Service was provided early notification during the consultation process. Ifnot, explain in comments D No Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA findingiSHPO/THPO concurrence on file). Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Adverse Effect Determination (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence on file) D Resolution of Adverse Effect completed. (MOA on file) Are project conditions required D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) ICorrespondence: NHPA effect determinations made by Chelsea Klein, FEMA Historic Preservation Specialist. ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCES r8J Project affects only previously disturbed ground. (Review Concluded) D Project affects undisturbed ground. D Project area has no potential for presence of archeological resources D Determination of no historic properties affected (FEMA findingiSHPOITHPO concurrence or consultation on file). (Review Concluded) D Project area has potential for presence of archeological resources D Determination ofno historic properties affected (FEMA findingiSHPO/THPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Determination of historic properties affected D NR eligible resources not present (FEMA findingiSHPO/THPO concurrence on file). Are project conditions required DYes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) o NR eligible resources present in project area. (FEMA findingl SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) D No Adverse Effect Determination. (FEMA findingl SHPOITHPO concurrence on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) 0 No (Review Concluded) D Adverse Effect Determination. (FEMA findingl SHPO/THPO concurrence on file) D Resolution of Adverse Effect completed. (MOA on file) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) Comments: This scope of work has been reviewed and meets the criteria in Appendix A, Programmatic Allowances, Items I-I, ofFEMNs Programmatic Agreement (PA) dated December 3, 2004. In accordance with the PA, all ground disturbing activities being performed in previously disturbed or archeologically surveyed areas do not require Section 106 review. Any changes to the approved scope of work will require resubmission for re-evaluation under Section 106. Correspondence: Archeological determinations made by Chelsea Klein, FEMA Historic Preservation Specialist. Abbreviated Record of Environmental Consideration 2 Reviewer: David lukkola Applicant: Delgado Community College FEMA-1603-DR-LA Parish: Orleans THREATENED AND ENDANGERED SPECIES r8l No listed species and/or designated critical habitat present in areas affected directly or indirectly by the Federal action. (Review Concluded) D Listed species and/or designated critical habitat present in the areas affected directly or indirectly by the Federal action. D No effect to species or designated critical habitat. (See comments for justification) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D May affect, but not likely to adversely affect species or designated critical habitat (FEMA determinationlUSFWSINMFS concurrence on file) (Review Concluded) Are project conditions required? D Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Likely to adversely affect species or designated critical habitat D Formal consultation concluded. (Biological Assessment and Biological Opinion on file) Are project conditions required? D YES (see section V) D NO (Review Concluded) Comments: Project is located in an urban or previously developed area. Neither listed species nor their habitat occur in or near this site, thus FEMA finds there will be no effect to threatened or endangered species. Consultation: USFWS emergency consultation provisions determined in letters dated September 15,2005. E.O. 11988 -FLOODPLAINS D No Effect on FloodplainsIFlood levels and project outside Floodplain -(Review Concluded) I:8l Located in Floodplain or Effects on FloodplainslFlood levels I:8l No adverse effect on floodplain and not adversely affected by the floodplain. (Review Concluded)' Are project conditions required? I:8l Yes (see section V) D No (Review Concluded) D Beneficial Effect on Floodplain OccupancyNalues (Review Concluded), D Possible adverse effects associated with investment in floodplain, occupancy or modification offloodplain environment D 8 Step Process Complete -documentation on file Are project conditions required? D YES (see section V) D NO (Review Concluded) Comments: The site is located in Zone B. Welcome View?storeld= I 000 1 &catalogld= 1000 I &langld=-I , click on Map search and enter lat/long for the site. Correspondence/Consultation/References: FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community Panel No. 225203 0095 E, revised 03/0 I /84. E.O. 11990 -WETLANDS I:8l No Effects on Wetland(s) and project located outside Wetland(s) -(Review Concluded) D Located in Wetland or effects Wetland(s) D Beneficial Effect on Wetland -(Review Concluded) D Possible adverse effect associated with constructing in or near wetland D Review completed as part of floodplain review D 8 Step Process Complete -documentation on file Are project conditions required? D YES (see section V) D NO (Review Concluded) Comments: No wetlands were observed during site visit or determined to be present by checking the USFWS National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps. References: USFWS NWI map accessed on-line ( 7/26/2006. E.O. 12898 -Environmental Justice For Low Income and Minority Populations D No Low income or minority population in, near or affected by the project -(Review Concluded) I:8l Low income or minority population in or near project area I:8l No disproportionately high and adverse impact on low income or minority population-(Review Concluded) D Disproportionately high or adverse effects on low income or minority population Abbreviated Record of Environmental Consideration 3 Reviewer: David Jukkola Applicant: Delgado Community College FEMA·1603·DR·LA Parish: Orleans Are project conditions required? 0 YES (see section V) 0 NO (Review Concluded) Comments: The percent populations of70119 are: 72.1% African American, 23.3% White and 5.6% Hispanic. The median household income in 1999 was $ 21,297 and 29.2 % of families are below poverty level. References: U.S. Census bureau 2000 data at http://factfinder.census.goV, referenced 07/26/2006. OTHER RELEVANT LAWS AND ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS I2SI No impacts to other substantive lawslExecutive Orders identified. Review concluded. D Other applicable substantive laws/Executive Orders. (Identify law/E.O. and conditions if any below). IComments: None V. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT CONDITIONS Project Conditions: The following conditions apply as a condition of FEMA funding reimbursement: The City ofNew Orleans/Orleans Parish enrolled in the National Flood Insurance Program 08/0311970. Per Flood Insurance Rate map 225203 0095 E, dated 03/01/84, project is located in Zone B, area protected from the 100-yr flood by levee, dike or other structure subject to failure or overtopping during larger floods. Project is repair of lights, and fixtures, which per Flood Recovery Guidance, dated 04112/2006, should, where possible, be elevated to an elevation of at least 3 feet above the highest adjacent grade elevation. This project is located within the Louisiana Coastal Management Zone. Louisiana Department ofNatural Resources (LA DNR) has determined that receipt of federal assistance is consistent with the Louisiana Coastal Resource Program. Projects within the coastal zone may still require a coastal use permit or other authorization from DNR. Projects may be coordinated by contacting the LA DNR at 1-800-276-4019. Unusable equipment, debris and material shall be disposed of in an approved manner and location. In the event significant items (or evidence thereot) are discovered during implementation of the project applicant shall handle, manage, and dispose of petroleum products, hazardous materials and/or toxic waste in accordance to the requirements and to the satisfaction of the governing local, state and federal agencies. REVIEWER AND APPROVALS _~__~____-----'-' Date _..=.8-1-'h~jL-=-b_O_\,p_---l. FEMA Regional Environmental Officer or delegated approving official. Name: William Fagan, Environmental/Historic Specialist Chief of Staff Signature~ . Date ~05 6 Abbreviated Record ofEnvironmental Consideration 4