Grant Programs Directorate U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20472 Grant Programs Directorate Information Bulletin No. 274, December 14, 2007 TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact All Homeland Security Advisors All Urban Area Points of Contact FROM: Dennis Schrader, Deputy Administrator National Preparedness Directorate Lisa Lewis, Acting Assistant Administrator Grant Programs Directorate SUBJECT: State Preparedness Report (SPR) Deadline Extension Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is pleased to announce an extension of the State Preparedness Report deadline from January 4 to March 31, 2008. The additional time will ensure States and Territories are able to fully discuss preparedness progress and showcase the capabilities and accomplishments of a State’s or Territory’s all-hazards preparedness program. Each State Administrative Agency (SAA) must submit a brief letter providing a status update on their State Preparedness Report by January 4, 2008. The letter should outline progress to date in completing the report and discussion of the agencies and departments involved with the development of the report. States can also discuss any challenges they anticipate in completing the final State Preparedness Report. The status update should be posted by the SAA to the State’s respective State Preparedness Report-Upload folder on the FEMA Secure Portal ( by January 4, 2008. For assistance in accessing your State-specific folder on the FEMA Secure Portal please contact Steve Farole at It is our intent to consolidate this preliminary status information to have available for Congressional inquiry. Please contact the State Preparedness Report Support team at with any questions or concerns as your State develops its State Preparedness Report.