Office of Grants and Training Preparedness Directorate U.S. Department of Homeland Security Washington, DC 20531 Office of Grants and Training Information Bulletin No. 244, March 1, 2007 TO: All State Administrative Agency Heads All State Administrative Agency Points of Contact All State Homeland Security Directors FROM: Corey D. Gruber Acting Assistant Secretary, Office of Grants and Training SUBJECT: Using State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Funding for REAL ID Implementation On May 11, 2005, the Real ID Act was passed by Congress, creating national standards for issuance of State drivers’ licenses and identification cards. The Act established a compliance deadline for all States of May 11, 2008 (or at such date for implementation approved by the Secretary), after which States are to meet certain standards, procedures, and requirements before State-issued drivers’ licenses and identification cards can be accepted as valid identification by the Federal government. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is currently working to finalize the rules governing REAL ID compliance. The publication of these rules will establish and clarify requirements for compliance. States are encouraged to include preliminary planning needs for REAL ID as one of the up to fifteen Investments in their Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) application package. Specifically, States will be allowed to request up to 20 percent of their FY 2007 SHSP funding for this activity. If States choose to wait to submit requests for REAL ID related funding until after the final rule is published, DHS will favorably consider requests for reprogramming of FY 2007 Investments later this year. This activity will not be allowable under any other FY 2007 G&T grant program within HSGP. Allowable activities under the SHSP funding include: planning, design, and development of REAL ID protocols, policies, and procedures; and acquisitions for hardware and software related to REAL ID technologies. Please note that this provision is not retroactive to previous grant year funding. Should you have any further questions, please contact your Preparedness Officer at (800) 368-6498.