F Y 2 0 1 1 P o r t S e c u r i t y G r a n t P r o g r a m ( P S G P ) Overview As appropriated by the Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011 (Public Law In Fiscal Year 2011, DHS 112-10), the FY 2011 PSGP is one of five grant programs allocated $235,029,000 to that constitute the Department of Homeland Security’s promote sustainable, risk­ (DHS) focus on transportation infrastructure security based efforts to protect activities. The PSGP is one tool in the comprehensive set critical port infrastructure of measures authorized by congress and implemented by from terrorism the Administration to strengthen the nation’s critical infrastructure against risks associated with potential terrorist attacks. The FY 2011 PSGP provides funds for transportation infrastructure security activities to implement Area Maritime Transportation Security Plans and facility security plans among port authorities, facility operators, and state and local government agencies required to provide port security services. Funding In FY 2011, the total amount of funds distributed under this grant program was $235,029,000. FY 2011 PSGP funds were awarded to support increased port-wide risk management; enhance domain awareness; training and exercises; expansion of port recovery and resiliency capabilities; and further capabilities to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from attacks involving improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and other non-conventional weapons. Eligibility Seven port areas were selected as Group I (highest risk) and 48 port areas were selected as Group II. Group I and II port areas identified in the FY 2011 PSGP submitted applications through their designated Fiduciary Agents (FA). All individual entities (including ferry systems) within one of these port areas were eligible to apply for PSGP funds through their port area’s designated FA. Ports not identified in Group I or II were eligible to apply as a Group III or “All Other Port Areas” applicant. Ferry Systems in Group I and II were eligible to apply through the designated FA, and all other Ferry Systems were eligible to apply within Group III or “All Other Port Areas.” Certain ferry systems were eligible to participate in the FY 2011 PSGP and receive funds. However, any ferry system electing to participate and receive funds under the FY 2011 PSGP could not participate in the FY 2011 Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP), and were not considered for funding under the FY 2011 TSGP. Likewise, any ferry system that participated in the TSGP was not considered for funding under the PSGP. The following entities were specifically encouraged to apply: . Owners or operators of Federally-regulated terminals, facilities, U.S. inspected passenger vessels or ferries as defined in the Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) and Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 101, 104, 105, and 106 . Port authorities or other State and local agencies that are required to provide security services to eligible Ferry System applicants (MTSA regulated facilities) pursuant to an Area Maritime Security Plan (AMSP), a Facility Security Plan (FSP), or Vessel Security Plan (VSP) . Consortia composed of local river organizations, ports and terminal associations, and other local stakeholder groups representing federally regulated ports, terminals, U.S. inspected passenger vessels or ferries that are required to provide security services to federally regulated facilities or federally regulated vessels in accordance with an AMSP, a FSP or VSP; and recognized as Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC) members by the Captain of the Port (COTP) . Group I and II Fiduciary Agents Allowable Costs The Department identified the following five priorities as its selection criteria for all FY 2011 PSGP applicants: . Enhancing Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) . Enhancing Improvised Explosive Device (IED) and CBRNE prevention, protection, response, and recovery capabilities . Port resilience and recovery capabilities . Training and Exercises . Efforts supporting implementation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) For 2011 PSGP, a maximum of five percent (5%) of funds awarded can be used for Management and Administration (M&A) purposes associated with the grant award. Sub-recipients receiving pass-through funds from a Fiduciary Agent may also use up to five percent (5%) of their sub-award for M&A purposes. Application Process and Evaluation Criteria Each Group I and Group II port area was designated a specific amount of funding based upon the FY 2011 risk analysis. Group III and “All Other Port Areas” competed for the funding identified in their corresponding group. FEMA conducted an initial review of all FY 2011 PSGP applications for completion. Field-level reviews were conducted by the applicable COTP in coordination with the Director of the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Maritime Administration’s Gateway Office and appropriate personnel from the AMSC, as identified by the COTP. Field review project scores and prioritized lists were submitted to FEMA for the national review process. The National Review Panel (NRP) convened with subject matter experts from DHS and other Federal partners to identify a final, prioritized list of eligible projects for funding. The NRP conducted an initial review of the prioritized project listings for each port area submitted by the USCG’s COTP to ensure that the proposed projects accomplished intended risk mitigation goals. The NRP validated and normalized the Field Review COTP Project Priority List and provided a master list of prioritized projects by port area. A risk-based algorithm was applied to the NRP’s validation and prioritized lists for each port area in all groups. The NRP then evaluated and validated the consolidated and ranked project list resulting from application of the algorithm and submited their determinations to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and then to the Secretary of DHS for final approval.