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Private Nonprofit Eligibility

Appeal Brief Appeal Letter

Appeal Brief

ApplicantEllicott Meadows Community Association
Appeal TypeSecond
PA ID#031-UVAHL-00
Date Signed2012-02-14T05:00:00

Citation:         FEMA-1910-DR-MD, Ellicott Meadows Community Association, Private Nonprofit (PNP) Eligibility


Reference:     PNP, Homeowners’ Association, Snow Removal

Summary:       Following the snow and severe winter storm disaster declaration, Ellicott Meadows Community Association (Association) submitted a Request for Public Assistance (RPA) to apply for reimbursement of snow removal costs as a PNP organization.  FEMA denied the request because the Association did not provide documentation from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or the State of Maryland to support its PNP status.  In the first appeal, the Association stated that it is a State recognized PNP operating as a property owners’ association and that it also operates a waste water treatment facility that services 160 homes in the community.  FEMA denied the first appeal on October 18, 2010, stating that the Association did not provide documentation to support its tax exempt status.  FEMA also cited Disaster Assistance Policy, DAP9521.3, Private Nonprofit (PNP) Facility Eligibility which specifically defines facilities maintained by property owners’ associations, such as roads and recreational facilities as ineligible. The Association submitted a second appeal reiterating the position of the first appeal.  The Association provided a copy of its IRS Section 501(c)(4) tax exemption letter, dated January 26, 2011, with an effective date of exemption of April 25, 2005.

 Issue:             Are homeowners’ associations eligible for snow removal costs?

 Finding:         No.

Rationale:       44 CFR §206.222(b), §206.221(e) and §206.221(f)(1); DAP9521.3, Private Nonprofit (PNP) Facility Eligibility

Appeal Letter

February 14, 2012

Richard Muth

Governor’s Authorized Representative

Maryland Emergency Management Agency

5401 Rue Saint Lo Drive

Reisterstown, Maryland 21136

Re:  Second Appeal-Ellicott Meadows Community Association, PA ID 031-UVAHL-00Private Nonprofit Eligibility, FEMA-1910-DR-MD

Dear Mr. Muth:
This letter is in response to a letter from your office dated December 21, 2010, which transmitted the referenced second appeal on behalf of the Ellicott Meadows Community Association (Association).  The Association is appealing the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) denial of its Request for Public Assistance (RPA).


On May 4, 2010, following the major disaster declaration for snow and severe winter storms (FEMA-1910-DR-MD), the Association submitted an RPA to apply for reimbursement of snow removal costs.  In a letter dated August 19, 2010, FEMA determined the Association was not an eligible Private Nonprofit (PNP) applicant because the Association did not submit the required tax exemption documentation from the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the State of Maryland.

First Appeal 

In its first appeal dated September 23, 2010, the Association asserted that during the declared event, its roads served as emergency facilities because they provided the only access for residents in the community who are 55 years of age and older.  The Association contends that it is a State recognized PNP operating as a Property Owner’s Association and it also operates and maintains a waste water treatment facility utilized by the residents in the community.  On October 18, 2010, FEMA denied the first appeal, stating that the Association was unable to provide documentation from the IRS or the State supporting their tax exempt status, as defined in 44 CFR §206.221(f)(1), Definitions, Private Nonprofit Organization.

Second Appeal

The second appeal was submitted on December 15, 2010, which included the Association’s Letter of Incorporation claiming non-profit status.  The Association states that it has applied to the IRS for tax exemption.  The Association states that it operates an eligible waste water treatment facility located on the property that services 160 homes and that it was necessary for it to remove snow to provide access to the facility.  The Association claims that the residents of the community have significant health conditions and they require emergency vehicles and nurses to have access to their homes. 


To be eligible as a PNP for the Public Assistance Program, an applicant must have a ruling letter from the IRS or satisfactory evidence from the state that it is a nonprofit organization doing business under State law as outlined in 44 CFR §206.221(f).  An applicant must also meet requirements as listed in 44 CFR §206.221 through 44 CFR §206.226, including owning or operating an eligible facility and be legally responsible for the disaster-related repairs (Disaster Assistance Policy DAP9521.3, Private Nonprofit (PNP) Facility Eligibility, dated July 18, 2007).  The Association provided a copy of its IRS Section 501(c)(3) tax exemption letter, dated January 26, 2011, with an effective date of exemption of April 25, 2005.  IRS Section 501(c)(4) tax exemption is provided to various types of organizations to include homeowners’ associations.  The Association is not claiming damages to the waste water treatment facility but it is claiming costs associated with snow removal from its roadways, which is not eligible.

The Association claims that they have an eligible facility.  However, they have not provided documentation to substantiate the claim that it is legally responsible for the waste water treatment facility.  The facility is licensed and managed by Maryland Environment Service (MES), therefore, the legal responsibility of the waste water treatment facility belongs to the MES.  Accordingly, the Association has not demonstrated that it is an eligible Private Nonprofit.


I have reviewed all of the information submitted with the appeal and determined that the Regional Administrator’s decision in the first appeal is consistent with Public Assistance Program regulations and policy.  Accordingly, I am denying this appeal. 

Please inform the Association of my decision.  This determination constitutes the final decision on this matter pursuant to 44 CFR §206.206, Appeals.


Deborah Ingram

Assistant Administrator

Recovery Directorate
cc:  MaryAnn Tierney
       Regional Administrator
       FEMA Region III